Ceph, Fedora, Ansible and CentOS are trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. Proxmox is an independent company. Ubuntu is a trademark of Canonical. Arch is trademarked by Aaron Griffin and Judd Vinet, on behalf of Arch Linux. Debian trademark is a registered United States trademark of Software in the Public Interest, Inc., managed by the Debian project. Gentoo is a trademark of The Gentoo Foundation, Inc.
OpenSUSE is a trademark of SUSE, LLC. DokuWiki and Redmine are open source software, both licensed under GPLv2. Simple Invoices is licensed under GPLv3. GitLab is a registered trademark of GitLab, Inc. LAMP is an archetypal model of web service stacks consisting of Linux OS (trademark The Linux Foundation), Apache HTTP Server (trademark The Apache Software Foundation), MySQL (Owned by Oracle Corporation) and PHP. Magento is owned by Adobe, Inc. Moodle is a registered trademark of the Moodle Trust. NextCloud is a registered trademark of Nextcloud GmbH. Joyent, Inc. acts as a Trademark steward for the Node.js.
Observium is a trademark of Observium Limited. Open VPN is a trademark of OpenVPN Inc. OwnCloud is a registered trademark of ownCloud GmbH. Prestashop is a registered trademark of PrestaShop SA. Ruby on Rails is a registered trademark of David Heinemeier Hansson. The WordPress Foundation owns and oversees the trademarks for WordPress. SkySilk is an independent cloud solutions provider and is not endorsed, sponsored, or affiliated with the aforementioned entities.